We, the students of 6A and 6B, were looking forward to an exciting week as part of a language trip to Ireland. The classes met early in the morning at the airport in Vienna with the teachers Professor Brownlow, Professor Pilz, Professor Krenauer and Professor Radl, who accompanied and cared for us this week.

After the flight, when we finally arrived in Dublin, Ireland, we were very excited about meeting our host families for the first time. We were all warmly welcomed by our families in front of the language school in Bray. That afternoon we had extra time to explore the town of Bray ourselves and everyone got through the first day well.

From Thursday on we went to the P.A.C.E language school every morning and in the early afternoon a great program awaited us, such as an orientation tour in Dublin and Bray, the Epic Ireland Museum, Dublinia ( the Viking Museum), Kilmainham Goal, Croke Park, Greystones and an Irish dance workshop. 

We were very lucky to be able to be in Ireland on their most important day of the year, St. Patrick’s Day. After the amazing and memorable cliffwalk in Howth, we had the chance to go to Dublin to get to know how Dublin’s inhabitants are celebrating their special day after the parade. We were all very pleased to see how everyone was having fun and dressed up in green. 

All in all, it was a fun and sensational week, we all had new experiences especially because of our host families and we really enjoyed this trip.        

PS: A special “thank you” to the BG8- Elternverein for sponsoring our hugely entertaining dance workshop!!        

– Choi Seo, Auer Marianna 6A
– Hartinger Franciska, Walzhofer Sophia 6B